Introductory Information on John 17

John 17

A close look at the text reveals the following information:

1.   The word “You” is used 34 times. Refers to the Father.

2.   The word “Me” is used 22 times. Refers to Jesus Christ.

3.   The word “them” is used 16 times. Jesus calls His follower.

4.   The word “world” is used 14 times. This speaks of the world at large.


Theme: Jesus Prays to the Father

Thought: Our Intercessor

Key Verse: Verse 11-12 and 21


The fact that Jesus is our High Priest brings to mind Philippians 2:6-8. Please see Addendum 1: The High Priest Position.


This chapter will be divided as follows:

1.   The High Priestly Prayer Verses 1-12

2.   The Disciples in the World 13-21

3.   The Disciples’ Future Glory 22-26


References for this work are as follows:

1.   New American Standard Bible

Updated Edition

The New Inductive Study Bible

©2000 Precept Ministries International

Harvest House Publishers

Eugene, Oregon

2.   NASB

Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible

Red Letter Edition Revised Edition


AMG International, Inc.

The Lockman Foundation

3.   WordSearch 9 Database

(Bible Research Software)





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