Tag Archives: journey

I am the True Vine Part One

John 15:1-5

Commentators cannot conclude as to why Jesus used the parable of the vine and its branches. This teaching extends over the first half of John 15. The preceding chapter concludes with the words, “Come now; let us leave,” it seems that the Lord and His disciples leave the upper room at this point. They start the quiet walk across the city of Jerusalem down into the Kidron Valley. This journey brought them to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. If this is the route they took, then they may have passed the great golden vine. It  decorated the door of the Holy Place of the temple. It may have been that the vines that grew close to the great walls of the city and stretched along it. This is also not certain. There is one thing we should take under consideration is the fact that the group may have lingered in the upper room after Jesus’ statement. This is something that cannot be proven though. Some commentators have suggested that the vine on the temple may have been visible through a window of the room where they were.


Vines were visible everywhere in Judea. This image had already been widely used in reference to Israel. http://ref.ly/Je2.21 Jesus said, “I am the true vine.” He goes on to teach about the nature of the church and its fruitfulness. This would happen as a result, not of any human achievement, this is one of the seven “I am” statements, which are mentioned in this gospel.


The True Vine


The first point we see of this parable is the “I am” saying itself. The emphasis is upon the word “true.” “I am the true vine,” says Jesus. He is the one perfect, essential and enduring vine. All other vines are shadows. This word is used in precisely this sense elsewhere where Jesus is declared to be the “true light” (http://ref.ly/Jn1.9), the “true bread” http://ref.ly/Jn6.32, and the “true tabernacle” http://ref.ly/He8.2.


As stated earlier, the Old Testament usage of this word refers to the preeminent symbol of Israel. Israel is portrayed as God’s choice vine or God’s vineyard. Isaiah writes “I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile hillside. He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines He built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well. Then he looked for a crop of good grapes, but it yielded only bad fruit… The vineyard of the LORD Almighty is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the garden of His delight. And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress.” (Isaiah 5:1-2, 7) Jeremiah said Israel had become a corrupt and wild vine. Ezekiel 15 compares Israel to a vine. Ezekiel 19 says the following: “Your mother was like a vine…: it was fruitful and full of branches” (v. 10). Hosea wrote, “Israel was a spreading vine; he brought forth fruit for himself Hosea 10:1. One of the best-known passages is from the Psalms: “You brought a vine out of Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it. You cleared the ground for it, and it took root and filled the land. The mountains were covered with its shade, the might cedars with its branches” (Ps. 80:8-10)


The Believer

To be a human is to be a believer. We differ in what we believe, and in the intensity of our beliefs, but we insist on believing in something. Life simply cannot exist without some such basis. These beliefs become the set-of-sails that determine the direction of our lives and our destination. And also, of course, the nature and quality of our journey.


What I want to point out today is the “whom” we believe in. Every belief has a central focus. The issue—-and it is the issue—in what we believe. For Christians, more specifically, Jesus is the “whom” that we believe in. This makes our belief stand strong and sure in uncertain times.

Introduction to Paragraph Method of Study


These lessons are based upon the paragraph division of the King James Bible. I will be using the following reference books, which are a part of a software program named WordSearch Bible software.



King James Version

Red Letter Edition

Introductions, Footnotes, Cross References, Concordance, Strong’s Dictionaries with AMG’s Word Studies

Published by AMG Publishers

When I use other books within this software program, they will be mentioned within the text of the lesson. Please note that you can question me on any part of the lesson at any time. This is a journey that you and I are taking. I am not out to lecture, but to teach.

Special Announcement



To all my friends.


April is quickly approaching. As some of you know, April’s devotions will focus on Hope. I have begun writing the articles on this topic. I will have a new devotion for each day of April. I hope you will experience blessing and spiritual growth as you and I take this journey on the topic of Hope.


Starting next week, I will be checking my e-mail on the following days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I may check it on other days if I have the time. I am asking you to be patient with me when you send me an e-mail response. I encourage you to continue writing me.  


I will notify you when I start teaching the Gospel of John. My teaching on this gospel will be in the form of paragraph study. What I mean by this is the lessons will cover the chapter according to scripture passages. This will done for the purpose dealing with the passage’s focus. I will have a list of the chapter breakdowns later on this week. This will give you an idea of what I mean.

Introduction to John’s Gospel

This gospel lays out a plain introduction to Jesus as the Messiah, the Healer, the Son of God, and the Lamb of God. These are just some of the topics that each chapter covers. It is hoped that these lessons will help answer the many questions that may arise in your mind concerning Jesus Christ. Here is a brief list of topics, which shall be taught here.

1. Who is Jesus Christ?

2. What is Eternal life?

3. What About Healing?

4. What is Meant by the “Blood of Jesus”?

5. What is Meant by Spiritual Wholeness?

6. Can I Really Have Comfort and Who is the Comforter?

7. Can I Find True Happiness in Jesus Christ?

8. What is Heaven all About?

These are a few of the topics, which shall be taught here. I encourage you to e-mail me with your questions. This is what I want to call a journey of discovery. It will encourage you, comfort and strengthen you in your daily life.

April Devotions


Is your hope in something of this world? Is it in the ability of an individual? Is it in something that is material? I cannot answer for you, but you and I both need to look at where we place our hope. Is it something that is reliable? Does it possess the ability to come through with the promises made? I cannot answer for you. You must be truthful with yourself. Being honest with ourselves is the first step in spiritual growth.

That is what the next month’s devotions will cover. Hope. I would love for you to travel with me on this journey, and write me on this subject. This is not just a one person journey, but it is for all who want to take a walk down this road of discovery.